
Obodo Help Centre|How to Delete Your Obodo Account

Obodo Help Centre

Managing Obodo Account

Welcome to obodo: Barter, Buy & Sell help centre.

Learn more about us here or read about our privacy policies as well as terms and conditions to get the best of Obodo’s barter, buy and sell services or reach out to one of our Customer Service Agents.

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Visit our terms and conditions page and privacy policy pages to view our full fledged disclosure of the user data collected and how its used.
5.2. We collect and store personal identifiable information about You when You download and signup on the Obodo App (“personal data”). This information may include, but is not limited to, details such as your name, email address, and anonymous information such as, your device URL, domain name, I.P. Address, or mobile identifier.
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Deleting Account from Obodo App entails that users

  1. Immediately lose access to their obodo accounts. Any attempt to login with the same email or social media OAuth will lead to the creation of a new account.
  3. Obodo keeps user data and schedules the deletion of user data within the next 30 days of the request to delete the user account.
  5. After 30 days, all user data is cleared from Obodo Servers.

Deletions from Website Deletion Request

  1. After Users requests for their account to be deleted by filling in the Deletion Request Form, Obodo Support staff responds to the request within 1-3 working days.
  3. User access is immediately revoked after the waiting period , 1-3 days, between user filling request form and Obodo Staff’s response of acknowledgement.
  5. Account requested for deletion is scheduled for deletion within a 30 day period.
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  1. Navigate to Profile Tab on Obodo app.
  2. Click on the Menu icon to navigate to Profile Settings page.
  3. Click Profile option.
  4. Click Delete Account.
  5. Select Delete option when prompted, “Are you sure you want to delete your account?”
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To request for account deletion from the web, do the following:
    1. Click on the Request Deletion Form link below
    2. Fill User Information and submit form
Our support staff would reach out to you shortly with a confirmation email of your account’s deletion.  User Data is kept and scheduled for deletion for a period of 30 days before its permanently deleted.  Click here to proceed to Request for Account Deletion.  


Obodo is a barter trade and buy-and-sell platform with a range of product listings. It connects sellers, traders, and buyers to help them list products for sale, find matches for barter trades and more. What are you waiting for? Download our app today!