How it works
You will love the functionality
Obodo is curated and designed to simulate real life-like auctions. Giving you the ability to bid by adding offers to barter items; to reject and renegotiate offers until you get satisfactory prices.
Buy & Sell
How Barter Works
OBODO is the choicest application to bring barter features to online platform. Barter is an act of trading goods or services between two or more parties without the use of money or a monetary medium. In essence, bartering involves the provision of one good or service by one party in return for another good or service from another party.
You wish for products that they want to barter/buy or sell for.
It can also be used for accepting attractive deals that are sent to you.
If you don’t have items to Barter, not to worry! You can simple buy/sell the items with ready cash.
Matching list makes a list of matching items to choose for bartering from your interests. Offers page which allows you to send offers to items that you like.
There is unique search feature where you can search for items you like and then send offers.
Join the Biggest Barter Market
Leading Online Barter trade marketplace: exchange goods for free; sweeten the deal by adding cash incentives and secure your deals. You can also list products for sale!
List products for barter trades and
make a trade offer for any product.
Buy & Sell
List your products or services
on Obodo’s classifieds and make quick cash!
Follow sellers, barters and see their latest offerings in your feed

Nice and simple
Have something you want to sell, trade or purchase? Obodo is the place for you!
You can find anything you need to get your car running or to repair your home within our catalog. It contains everything from vehicles to the smallest of household items.
With our amazing Counter feature, you’ll never be left out of any deal. When there’s an on-going barter deal, you’ll have the opportunity to make an offer.
Obodo Communities
- Find barter trades in your area by joining a community nearby you.
- Found no community nearby? Be the first member by requesting a Community to be created in your area.
- With Community feature you can filter through all your product matches to find the best barter trades in your area.
- Moved locations? You can search for existing communities in your location and add to your community list by joining.
- The app is easy to use and doesn’t require much time to download.
- Looking to barter your item in a particular Community? Post your item with the pickup location of your chosen community.

Barter Exchange
Obodo is the largest barter trade marketplace on the market, with an enormous pool of products and services from electronics to books, cars to houses. Our A.I powered barter system helps you find the best trades for anything and everything.
Counter Offers
Obodo offers a range of features so you can experience real-life-like auctions. Use features like Add Offers to bid on products as well as the all-powerful Counteroffer feature to make bids during ongoing trades.
We take the safety of our user data seriously, and that’s why we use encryption to keep your information safe. You can also delete your account completely whenever you want.
What is OBODO?
Obodo is an online marketplace for the people of Middle East. The application offers services to its customers by providing a platform for people to upload items and giving the ability to customers to barter, buy and sell items such as vehicles, electronics, fashion items, kid’s products, furniture, household goods, sports goods and real estate.
Apart from selling unwanted items OBODO provides a marketplace for job seekers and job offers.
What are the popular categories?
We have products from vehicles, electronics, fashion items, kid’s products, furniture, household goods, sports goods to even real estate.
How can I make it easy for customers to find my product?
You can ensure that you describe the product with catchy words. Moreover, our unique AI will do the rest for you.
Do you sell advertising space on your site?
At this time, we do not sell banner or advertising space on our platforms.
How much does it charge for adding a post in OBODO?
OBODO takes no fees from any transaction. Listing and selling an item are completely free. If a buyer is interested in an item you’ve listed, they will contact you using the chat tool to arrange for a place/time to meet and purchase. Obodo DO NOT and will never request for user billing information or collects payments on behalf of a user for the exchange of goods or services. The exchange of goods or services via the Obodo app is merely between users, ensure to confirm payment in your account before you exchange your items.
How can we contact with the buyer/seller inside the application?
How can we contact with the buyer/seller inside the application?
How does OBODO works?
Sellers can easily list an item for sale and buyers can directly contact sellers to arrange the transaction. When two people each have items the other wants, both parties can list the items and determine the values of the items and provide the amount that results in an optimal allocation of resources. The seller and buyer can then barter their items with each other and a small % increase or decrease can be paid individually at the time of exchange.
How do I buy something I like?
When you like a product and if you wish to buy that item, send a deal message and once the deal is accepted by seller then simply start a chat with seller inside OBODO app, you can also ask for contact number and ask for location. Remember all the products listed inside OBODO are inside UAE. You can also search for your products using Google map within the application.
Can I sell used items?
Yes, definitely you can sell or buy used items through OBODO. Sell unwanted items that is no longer in use for you and let a buyer get that item for a great price!
Can I return an item?
No, it is your responsibility to ensure the item is in acceptable condition (as listed), authentic, or otherwise to your satisfaction before transacting. OBODO is not involved in the transactions themselves and agreeing to accept a return is at the discretion of the seller.
How do I contact OBODO?
We are always happy to hear from you. You can contact us through our mail id: [email protected]. We shall return back to you as soon as possible.